
Friday, July 19, 2024

The City and the Sword Promo

 A promo we made up for the shortly-to-be-released fantasy novel The City and the Sword

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

City and Sword Release Date

It is time to make the official announcement of a release date for my new fantasy novel, THE CITY AND THE SWORD. We (Arachis Press and me) have set it for August 23,  2024, which gets it out there before the Labor Day weekend. Not that official releases mean much in these days of ebooks and print-on-demand. The books will always be available (as long as I am!). Here's the blurb that goes on the back cover and in various ads:

Famod had fallen. Young Lellie and fellow orphan Nib had barely escaped the sack of the port and its attendant horrors. Where could they reach sanctuary and a new life? Across the hills in Tesra, City of Wizardry, seemed the only choice.

There, under the tutelage of Zil, merchant and spy, Lellie finds a purpose she had not known, learning the ways of the sword and much more—all while discovering her own self as she becomes a young woman.

We'll do a cover reveal shortly and tell a bit more about the novel. As ever, it will be available as print paperback and free ebooks (EPUB and PDF).

Monday, July 8, 2024

Coming Sometime

I have pretty much finished writing the new novel, a fantasy work titled The City and the Sword. That means most of the heavy editing work is done, as well, as I am one of those edit as I go sorts. Expect an announcement of a release date in the not too distant future and more details about the book. Maybe even a cover reveal!

I will say now it is a tale of Qala the Pirate Queen as a girl. An origin story of sorts. My original thought was to write a collection of related tales (and to some degree it is one) but enough overall plot developed to label it a novel. An episodic novel but a novel none the less. Think something along the lines of Kipling's Captains Courageous (but without the fish).

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Emporium

Our merchandise shop at CafePress was given a new URL without us being informed, so if anyone wished to look over our merchandise there, they would not have found it!  We're in the process of updating the links everywhere. Here is the new address:

We invite you to visit and maybe even purchase a tee or tote bag or something.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Free Books

I announced this elsewhere a few weeks back but never mentioned here that all my books are now free to download as ebooks at the Arachis Press site ( All are available in PDF format and most as EPUB as well.

Related to this is the fact that the print books are no longer being distributed but are available only through the AP site or at the Arachis Press store. This allows us to cut the retail prices to somewhere around a half of what they were. Why cut in Amazon when the savings can be passed on to the readers?

I don't use this blog much, do I? I need more things to announce, maybe! Do remember my personal blog is at . I actually find things to say there.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024


With the Florida Folk Festival coming up at the end of this month (one of the longest-running music festivals in the USA), it is only right that I mention that my third Cully Beach mystery novel, SMOKE, takes place in part at the event. Available from Arachis Press ( in print and as a free ebook.

It is set in the first year I attended that festival, 2001. Lots of forest fires that year made it very smoky at the Stephen Foster State Park (in White Springs Florida), hence the title of the book.


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Shallow Poet Release

My new poetry collection, SHALLOW POET, is now available at the Arachis Press store:

The book is also available as a free download in PDF and EPUB formats from , as are all my books.